Jerome Hien
wedding and portrait photographer in Rouen

Welcome onboard !

I’m glad to share with you my work as a wedding photographer and a storyteller artist. Take a deep breath and embark on discovering my website.
I have been working as a portrait and wedding photographer based in Rouen, region of Normandy in France for more than ten years now.

As far as I can remember, I have always been sensitive to communication, to creating a link between people. Understand the world around me is essential to me. I love to explore, discover and capture vivid moments of our everyday lives. Photography is the way I have chosen to express myself deeply and authentically. It is to me a wonderful medium to seize the beauty of each thing, each place, each human being.
I have a degree in Photography and Cinema culture, but most of all I have worked as a photojournalist and fashion photographer for many years. I have chosen to devote my skills to the beautiful and fascinating world of weddings with Lily Rose Lane, my own company.

This experience in photojournalism and fashion photography gave me the opportunity to add profound insights, something anchored in real life to my work an offer the newly weds unforgettable images to keep forever. I couldn’t be luckier! In my photo series, I also get to be a story teller and I like that.

Well, enough said about me, time for you to click around and discover my work!

Feel free to contact me for any information or question.


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